Landscaping with Gravel

Using rocks on your landscape serve many purposes and can really improve the look of your yard. At Pebble Junction, we have many types of rocks available and we’ve compiled a list of how our gravel can be used for your next landscaping project.
All Purpose Sand can be used for repairs and drainage. It can be used for patio, paver repair, sandboxes and even play areas. It is a great choice for placing stepping stones on pathways, creating epoxy and industrial coatings and mixing certain cement. All Purpose Sand can also be used as a base for your fire pit.
Black Lava Rockcan be used for adding contrast to your yard. Adding Black Lava Rock to your landscaping can enhance the colors of plants and flowers in your garden. It is a nice accent to your garden or planters. It can be used to landscape around trees, shrubs, decks, driveways, and other areas.
Black Slate Chips can be used for garden paths, rockeries, water feature edging, mulch, ground cover, pond edging, borders, planting areas, patio gap fillers. This is very popular for homeowners who want a more decorative stone for their garden project.
Brown River Rock can be used to transform your outdoor space. It can be used to simulate water to make it look like a creek or a pond, to create tiles, create driveways, a draining system, gutter system, assist with erosion control, make pathways, and it can be a great option for flower beds.
Burnt Sierra Chips can be used for trying to save water in dry scape landscaping areas. It is ideal for a lawn replacement, rock gardens, pathways, around trees, river beds, ponds and water features. These can help with erosion control, water retention in the soil and restrains weed growth. It can be used for topsoil on potted plants to add texture and help retain moisture.
Cedar Bark Rock can be used for reducing weed growth, protecting from erosion and it can insulate your plants from extreme weather and sudden fluctuations. With Cedar Bark Rock, you will never need to use mulch again.
Crushed Coquina can be used for making a great ground cover, an excellent way to create a beautiful, low maintenance and long-lasting landscaping for your yard. This eliminates the need for mowing, edging and other time-consuming chores.
Granite Chips can be used on paths, seating areas, and around water features. They are also perfect for planters and plant pots to control weeds and to retain moisture. They can be great to use as a surface for landscape beds or as a top dress for pathways.
Limerock can be used for many different household projects. It is great for driveways, backfilling walls, paths, drainage, backfilling retaining walls, and it can be used as a road base.
Mexican Beach Pebbles can be used for both large and small landscaping projects. They are great for fountains, around bushes and plants, lawn replacements, aquariums, pool and pool areas, yards, pathways, rooftops, decorative drainage covering.
Palmetto Green can be used for outdoor living spaces, fire pits, water features, pavers, retaining walls, irrigation and for draining systems.
Recycled Concrete can be used for tons of different projects. It is useful for walkways and pathways, raising garden beds, landscaping, retaining walls and driveways
Red Volcanic Moon Rocks are great for landscaping because they conserve moisture in the soil, doesn’t wash away, helps control weeds, and can serve as a natural insulation for plant roots. They can also be used for pathways, walkways, irrigation systems and as a border.
River Jacks are great for decorative landscaping. They can be used around pools, ponds, for gardens, accent features, paving, fountains, walkways and decorative mosaics.
Salt and Pepper Granite is great for designing projects. It can be used for countertops, ornamental stones, sills, monuments, sinks, and pool coping. It is a great option to use in your kitchen, bathroom or other living areas in your home that you use regularly.
Seminole Chips are most commonly used in accent areas or paths with edging. It is also great for ponds and around flower beds.
Snow White is great for landscaping, potted plants, flower arrangements, home decor and crafts. It can also help retain moisture and prevent erosion.
Washed Shell is a great option for landscaping material. It can be used for pathways, patios, courtyards, flower beds and driveways.
White River Rock can be used for borders, pathways, turned into stepping stones, edging, drainage, mulching your flower beds, ponds, around your pool and even used as a groundcover for your fire pit.