FAQs and Links
How many pounds are in a ton?
There are 2,000 pounds in a ton.
How much does a pallet of stone weigh?
Depending on the type of material on the pallet, a pallet weighs between 1 and 2 tons. Most of our stone products are packaged on 1½-ton pallets.
Are you open to the public?
Yes we are open to the public M-F 8-5 and Sat 8-1, closed Sun
Is there a minimum order amount?
We sell to Retail and Contractors by the pound up to 1,000 lbs and anything over 1,000 lbs is prorated at the ton price. Our distributors order full truckloads of product that can be mixed and matched to maximize their order.
As a contractor or distributor can I establish credit terms with Pebble Junction, Inc.?
Please contact our sales staff at 1-800-541-8996 or e-mail sales@pebblejunction.com we will be happy to fax or e-mail you our credit application. Please allow 2-3 weeks time for processing. Click here for Credit Application.
How can I calculate the amount of stone necessary for building a stack wall?
Multiply the Length (in feet), by the height (in feet), by the thickness (in feet) and divide by 13. This will give you the approximate number of tons necessary for your wall.
How big an area will one ton take up in my driveway?
One ton is approximately one regular size bathtub full.
Do you charge for delivery?
We do charge for delivery based on your delivery destination zip code and delivery method.
How do you figure Square Footage for gravel?
Multiply the length times the width to get square footage and then divide by the gravels approximate coverage based on 2" depth. You can also use our handy Gravel Coverage Calculator located at the top of the Decorative Gravel page.
What Gravel do you recommend for a driveway?
We recommend Granite Chips for driveway applications, as it is a hard angular stone that compacts well and will not separate from tire traffic.
What Gravel do you recommend for a drain field?
Granite Chips are recommended for drain fields in order to meet County and State Code requirements.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express
Do you sell manufactured Stone?
We sell only natural stone products and we recommend our Stonescape® Natural Stone Thin Veneer which meets all code requirements and is simple to install like manufactured stone.
How many sq ft of coverage does a bag cover?
One bag covers approximately 2½ square feet at a depth of 2".
What does a bag of stone weigh?
Our bags are based on a ½ cu ft and not sold by weight.
How can I estimate what a boulder will weigh?
Most boulders will weigh approximately 150-160 pounds per cubic foot, this varies depending on the type of stone. Please see our Boulder Weight Estimation Guide for more information.